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Showing posts from August, 2019

Survey sites and offer walls - how to earn more?

If you are familiar with survey sites and offer walls, you know that you can find the same opportunities at different sites. These sites use external survey/offer providers, but it is important to know that even if the external provider is the same, the money you get can be different. I checked the most famous offer sites to see which one is pay more. Here are my results: AdGate Media: Gamehag Points2Shop $0.93 PointsPrizes $1.6 Earnably $1.44 Keep Rewarding $1.8 SuperPay $1.56 PrizeRebel $1.18 ySense - AdGate Media: Minecraft Quiz Points2Shop $0.02 PointsPrizes $0.046 Earnably $0.04 Keep Rewarding $0.0525 SuperPay $0.04 PrizeRebel $0.03 ySense - AdScend: filling out your profile Points2Shop - PointsPrizes $0.33 Earnably $0.035 Keep Rewarding - SuperPay - PrizeRebel $0.025 ySense - My Point Saver Points2Shop - PointsPrizes $0.026 Earnably - Keep Rewarding - SuperPay $0.027 PrizeRebel $0.018 ySense $0.02 O...